El Pito is a pretty small place without a bar where we could get breakfast but the albergue had a vending machine.

I was hoping to find a bar for a more substantial breakfast after walking for a little while but it wasn’t to be.

After an hour I caught up with others who had left before me and they were getting things from another village vending machine. These are quiet little places with no services. Only after 3 hours walking was I able to buy a bread roll. My reserve supply of chocolate came in handy!

The Camino criss-crosses the A8 freeway for hundreds of kilometers. I came across a spectacular section today.

The view from one side of a valley,

and the other.

There are a lot of wind farms in Spain.

It was interesting to come across this village communal washing place as it was installed as late as 1948.

I continue to see lots of hydreanges although many are starting to fade.

Through a long dark tunnel under the freeway.

Autumn colours are starting to appear.

It was quite a challenging day today, not so much because of the 32km but more because of the constant up and down which amounted to around 900m of climbing.

Much of it was on pleasant bush tracks.

Here’s a little roadside Santiago.

I kept running into people people from last night whe’d all left before me, as well as a German peligrina who I hadn’t seen for a couple of weeks.

And then I came across a group who I’ve never run into before at all, having a foot stop on the road.

Now maybe all these hours walking has done something to my mind, but I think this cloud looks like a duck.

The camino today touched on the sea once again.

These bushes were growing all over the pace today, perhaps they’re part of the fuschia family?

After around 8 hours on the road, I eventually arrived at Cadavedo which unless I missed it, doesn’t seem to be a town at all but rather a dispersed community.

I missed the turn off to my hotel adding a few kilometers to the day but it was great to arrive, as I’m shouting myself to a nice comfortable snore free hotel room tonight!

And I have a sea view.

Tomorrow I’m heading to Piñera where hopefully there will be a spot for me in the albergue, because there’s nothing else there!